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Christianity Explored

Come and join a small group to explore the Christian faith and discover from the Bible how much Jesus has done for us and how to live as God’s followers.

New courses frequently start. Get in touch to know about the next one.

You’re welcome to join us anytime, even if the course has already started.

What to expect?

Christianity Explored is an informal and relaxed course. In the course, you will not be asked to read or pray. It is designed to help people investigate the person at the heart of the Christian faith, Jesus Christ. It follows his life and teachings in the Gospel of Mark. Come along to a session and explore what this one life of ours is all about.

You can check out stories from people all over the world who have done the course here.

You’re welcome to join us anytime, even if the course has already started.

You do not need to know anything about the Bible.

Each participant will receive:

  • a 64 page Christianity Explored handbook
  • the Gospel of Mark
  • at the end of the session, we will provide a meal for those who have time to stay
  • the chance to meet other people exploring the Christian faith and wanting to learn more about Jesus Christ
  • a one on one chance to ask Minister Grant Gallant your questions about Jesus Christ, the Gospel of Mark and the Bible.

When: Sundays at 4.30 pm

Who: Adults

Cost: Free. There is no charge for this activity.

Contact us
"I loved doing the Christian Explored course at South Coogee Anglican Church. The quality of the course and the course materials were excellent. It was wonderful interacting with like-minded people, wanting to investigate Jesus Christ and the Bible. The course leader Grant Gallant seemed so down to earth and really easy to relate to. There were no ‘dumb questions’. I loved being able to have a meal after the meeting to get to know my fellow participants as well as Grant and Alison Gallant."

Amy Darragh, Course participant May 2017

Our Location

21 Nymboida Street, South Coogee NSW

(Main entrance at Gregory Street)